Thursday, September 20, 2007

U R never Alone!!!

What does your loneliness tell you? What is it that you miss?

Everyone feels lonely sometimes. It’s part of being human! However we cannot afford to become paralyzed by a sense of isolation. We all need to connect – both to ourselves and to the world around us.

Realize that you are NOT alone

Do you know that most of the world is feeling lonely at this very moment? Think of the new neighbour on your street, or about the one who just joined your company. Each of them wonders how he or she will make friends. Be the first to give a warm welcome.

Whatever your faith or beliefs, connecting with a Higher Force through prayer or meditation will also dispel feelings of isolation.

When there’s no one around to talk to, and I feel the need, I journal in a small notebook in longhand, letting deeper thoughts and feelings emerge from my subconscious. I write about my preoccupations as well as my hopes and fears.

You cannot enjoy being alone without peace of mind. Journaling helps you to voice and resolve any inner conflicts that you have. Doing it on a regular basis will give you clarity and focus. It’s a good way to connect with your inner self.

Loneliness makes me feel painfully alive and aware that I cannot afford to get complacent. It compels me to do more, to be more. And that isn’t such a bad thing, is it?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What If...?

Recently, I read an article that was based on questions stated by two lead characters in a movie. The male lead was fretting over changes and pending changes in his life, and kept saying to his wife, “What if it all goes wrong?” Her response was always, “What if it all goes right?”

I’d had a spontaneous idea and acted on it. Then, an old learned program popped up. I began to entertain self-doubt, worry, and ultimately, a form of self-rejection for possibly acting prematurely, stupidly, ruining everything...and the list goes on.

The next morning, I woke and remembered the wife’s question, “What if it all goes right?” I laughed out loud, which definitely shifted my energy. I thought about everything else in my life and asked, What if it all goes right?

My personal observations and experiences have demonstrated repeatedly throughout my life, that in the end, everything does go right. My feelings at the time something that I perceive as negative happens may be, understandably, disappointed, irritated, or whatever human emotion surfaces. I’ve learned to honor my feelings and emotions, look inside them for what they might communicate to me, and trust that “it” will inevitably go right. It always has and it always will. Ultimately. Sometimes, it’s what we’d call good stuff. Other times, it’s a matter of recognizing the role something or someone played in an overall outcome, and that everything had purpose.

It “goes right” is because I look for it. I allow my mind, heart, and attitude to shift, to make lemonade out of lemons. I don’t mean for that to sound trite, I’ve had to find that strength and trust amidst some very challenging times.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Freedom Of Life That We All Deserve

I was going home earlier today when I noticed a flock of birds flying over head. As gracefully as a ballerina gliding across the dance floor, they soared high in the sky. Catching the wind currents as easily as a professional baseball player catches a fly ball. They were beautiful against the gorgeous gentle blue of the sky. In a moment I caught a glimpse of what true freedom is. What it is like to be able to soar high. To not be bound by gravity, or rules made up by other people, or limited to the simple thinking that so many people settle for. In a single moment, my heart was lifted and my spirit began to soar.

I spent the rest of my journey home with a big smile on my face because I knew that everything in my life would be ok, and be perfect just as it is. As it will be. That there is an incredibly benevolent force that wants us to realize true freedom in this lifetime. That wants us to know what happiness and peace are. That it doesn't matter how long our life is or how many years we have, but the quality of those years. To breathe deeply and truly smell the air. To open our eyes and really see every tree as if it were the first time. To feel the sun on our face and the wind on our skin. To love those we care about and to know that every single moment is ours to do with as we wish, and that freedom, is using those moments to find a place inside ourselves that is complete happiness and peace.

Take the time to smile and enjoy the experience of life. True freedom comes from not being bound by the everyday things. By being in the world but not of it. Be in the world, but don't let it make you a part of it.