Saturday, December 23, 2006

Stopping To See Your Success?

Have you ever felt like giving up when you “blew it” and couldn’t meet your goals or guidelines? What if you didn’t dwell on that and instead focused on what went well, assessed whether the goal was reasonable in the first place and then got back on track without making a mountain out of a mole hill. For some reason it is human nature to focus on the negatives, dismiss the positives and mercilessly beat ourselves up for bad behavior. Have you ever noticed that doesn’t really work?

Monday, October 23, 2006

We r wht We r

we are what we are because that’s what we’ve decided to be. We live where we live, do what we do and think what we think because that’s we’ve decided to do. Yes, I understand that there are some illnesses and other stuff that happens that tends to force us into a particular mode of operation. But by the same token, how we function within our situation and how we deal with the things we need to deal with is always our decision.

This takes us right back to one of my foundation principles - we believe what we believe because of our personal programming. Does that mean that there are no incorrect opinions and this is one of those “I’m OK, you’re OK so let’s hold hands and sing something” things? Oh, heck no! This just means that we all have our personal reasons for doing what we do and thinking what we think.

Unfortunately, none of us – repeat, none of us has been fortunate enough to get one hundred percent accurate and unbiased information and input into our little brains as we’ve trudged through life. As a result, we’re all playing our life game with a few cards missing from our deck. It’s almost a sure bet that we’ll never find all of them, but I think the sporty thing to do is to do our best to search out at least a couple more cards before we revert back to our basic earth elements. And yeah, we’ll count the Jokers as worth keeping.

Now that we’ve come out of the closet and admitted that we’re all screwed up to some extent, let’s get back to the initial subject. Our life – and nearly all of its components – is the result of our decisions that have been heavily influenced (or even controlled) by our programming. And yeah, we may have also been heavily influenced by other factors – namely people – but unless someone is holding a gun to our heads to “force” us to do what we’re doing, the reason we’re here at this point in our lives is because of the decisions we’ve made. Even with a gun aimed at our noggins, we still have a couple of options to choose from, don’t we?

For those of us who are completely satisfied with the way our lives are going in every little detail – we should take a lot of satisfaction in knowing that we have been extremely fortunate to have been able to make some very beneficial decisions. Back up a second here. The biggie word in the last sentence was “satisfied”. I didn’t say “happy”. We can be generally happy with the way things are going in our lives – and still not be satisfied. The way I look at it, if we have just one small thing we’d like to do differently or better then we’re not completely satisfied.

For those of us who are not completely satisfied with every little detail in our lives, we really should seriously consider doing something about it! And that brings me to the main point of this little discussion. To be able to do something about our lives, to make the changes and improvements that we feel we would like to make, we need to first say the following words:

“I (insert your name here) hereby take full responsibility for all aspects of my life. I am personally fully accountable for who I am, what I believe and what I have accomplished - and will accomplish in my life.”

Of course, you can expand that if you want to include never blaming anyone else for your situation, to understand and respect the rights of others to have any darned opinion they want because now you know why they think and believe the way they do, to not take stuff so seriously because everyone is doing whatever they think is the best thing to do at the time, that we’re all a little goofy and that helps make this world a really interesting place to live and that you’re going to do your best to take some time for yourself every day to think about cool stuff and just relax and that you’re going to chill out and have some fun and enjoy life more. (Whew, I need to take a deep breath!)

Once we can accept full responsibility for our lives and what we are, only then are we capable of moving on toward our goals and a truly enjoyable lifestyle. Well worth doing, I’d say.


Saturday, August 19, 2006

Happy Birthday to my Blog!!!

Hey friends wish my blog a very happy bday!!;)
keep visiting my blog!!
thanx a lot!!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Give back and make a Difference!!!!

Eaten by magets, worms and all kinds of bugs, burnt to ashes and the ashes lost in the ocean or simply decay into non existence...

This is what happens to most people,
hell it happens to all of us at the end of the road we all travel.

If you could watch yourself after you died, would you like to see yourself decay day by day and
Parts of your body being torn apart and being eaten by worms!?

Not a pretty site isn’t it. Well atleast not for me!!
I think and believe that No body wants to be maget food at the end of the day.

And then look at this scenario, thousands of people suffering from curable illnesses but millions of people dying because of the lack of resources. Or in this case organs.

What I don’t understand is when millions of people are dying everyday with perfectly good organs that can be used to help out those in pain..
Why aren’t they? Why aren’t those in power (read govt) doing anything?

I agree there are a lot of privacy issues and also traditional values..

But if u had to choose between burning to ash, being food for bacteria,
OR being the eyes for a man who never saw the rising sun.
Being the heart of a person, who lost all hope of life? Or just about any part of a human life, that you helped make it better. in death, being life for someone else....

What would you choose?

i would choose to live on..
not in one body, but in more than a dozen.

if you choose otherwise, I appreciate your concern..
For life forms other than just human..


Friends Every time one person donates his or her eyes,it gives sight to two blind pepole since each eye will be given to one person.

And there are an estimated 12 million blind people in India of whom three million suffer corneal blindness,which means their vision can be restored with donor eyes".



Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Finding ur Passion

I have just finished reading a couple of articles about the importance of being passionate about what you do. In real life, how many of us are truly passionate about our professions and what we do for a living?

After reading these articles, I found myself thinking about the people that I know who are genuinely passionate about their professions. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that the people that I identified in my life as having that genuine passion are some of the most successful and self-fulfilled people that I know.

It is absolutely certain that to be the best at what you do, you need to be completely passionate about it. Think about it; if you absolutely hate to cook, there is no way that you would ever be the best chef in the world. Sure, people have natural ability, but even then, natural ability can only take a person so far.

When you have passion you are willing to work extra hours, research ways to become better, practice and improve your weaknesses and be completely dedicated to the pursuit of excellence.

All the best!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

True Love??!!

hi friends me and my friend discussed on true love one day and i wil present his article in todays post....i thank pavan for presenting our thoughts on a paper..his article goes like this!!!!

True Love??!!

This is what urban dictionary has to say about true love This is what i liked best,
True Love : love without need of sex, beauty,anything physical or material, expecting nothing in return.

ok, so if that is true love, what actually is love ?. well i am not talking about a mothers love for a child, nor am i talking about a brothers love for a sister. I am talking about THE LOVE between two individuals who are apperant strangers, i.e. not have any relation between them!. Is not love meant to mean the same ? is it not wanting to be there for another person, despite anything?? then how come the word true love was coined in the first place, if just the word 'love' could suffice it all??

I gather this. Humanity's greed and stupidity have known no limits through out its history, and they are not showing any signs of being tamed. And, in this case, stupidity i guess was the sole reason that a whole new term had to be coined just to indicate how superficial the world has become. Calling the lust and attraction as love was and is still stupid, and then coining a new word to indicate the higher dimensions of human emotion of so called love, was even sillier!!

Why all this nonsense ?

Well!! Jo, a friend of mine suggested that i write up a piece about how true love rarely exists in todays world, with all those men and women falling for each other and then breaking up to only fall again for someone else quicker than earlier. so I wanted to talk about how true love is no more than a word today, but then my mind started wondering why was such a word coined in the first place, and hence all that might have bored you till now.

I guess the problem lies with the generation that does not really know what love means until they really feel it. Probably no one ever did know the real meaning, before hand.

But what I am trying to say is, the parameters (as i call them) , or features (as what many others call them) that most people look for in a lover are quite limited;If not everytime, Most often. and here i quote what many of men and women want from thier lovers.

P.S. :- the number is limited to the number of friends i possess.

What women are looking for in men ?
These are the most repeated qualities that women see for in a man.
~ understanding
~ broad mindedness
~ good sense of humour
~ caring
~ Physical features , as tall and handsome (only as add ons.)

What Men are looking for in women ?
These are just simple
Most men are just glad that there is someone who loves them. They dont look forward to other features that she might or might not have!! But here are a few that are often wanted but only rarely quoted
~Intelligence (hmm.. not many ask for that.)
~Broad minded (we'll talk about this later.)

I can say that girls fall easily for a guy who has most , if not all the qualities in a man!. Then they are deeply in love (?) with a guy who seems to understand them and cares about them. But slowly the negative features also turn out. Guys, natural flirts, are most often not satisfied with what we have. And on the other end of the spectrum, we tend to be over possessive of what we have, a seemingly good relation with a person that loves you. And these two are mostly the reasons why we have so many break ups in this era. Which simply irritates me.

So why call it love, when what we are actually doing is waiting for an oppurtunity to break up with your so called love on.

Why call it love when all you know about the other person seems to be only a tiny percentage of what you should have known ?

why call it just love, when there is no love!!

take it from the west you guys, call it dating. If you think dating results in sex, then please call it something else but not love. Get to know the other person inside out, or atleast until you are sure that the other person not only has what you love, but also does not have what you hate. Please be patient before announcing your love to the world. And hell, if or when you fail to go the distance with your so called love one, Also know that the world is not full of morons.

all that i have said above, results from what i have experienced and known from friends and friends of friends. so what i am talking about is applicable mostly to the young adults who are experimenting with their new found freedom in the world.

People who want to experience it all like there is no tomorrow. But there is one, and there will be one till the end of your life. So I want to finish this off by quoting myself again.

"Dont love a person just because he/she has the qualities you love, but also take your time to be sure that he/she doesnt have those features that you hate"

posted by
pavan and jyotsna!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Stop Worrying!!!!!!

Many times it looks like we live for our worries. They surround us and follow us everywhere we go. There might be a lot to worry about or just many tiny issues that pile up and make us uncomfortable. We learn to cope in life and do not stress about the same things over and over again. Our subjects of worrying change, but the basic concept remains intact—we keep constantly stressing about our future and survival.

We build up expectations and then start to stress about possible future outcomes.
We worry because we cannot imagine anything else that we are aware of. Often, we are going around with our thoughts that are dependent on factors that are beyond our control. We cannot stand uncertainty. Actually, we are only afraid of the uncertainty. Even knowing what is going to happen, no matter how bad, is more bearable than the great uncertainty.

Worrying has a lot to do with self-confidence and acceptance. We have to know and trust ourselves. When we are confident that we can handle and manage in life no matter what comes our way, this inner confidence will guide us and provide us with inner peace. We stop worrying about other people and their responses and thoughts about us.

Our greatest concern will then be to act according to our own intuitions and feeling about what are the right choices and actions in the situations at hand. Facing the facts is often the most difficult part. We do not want to admit the reality, even though we might somehow realize it. It is just something too painful to accept.

By worrying we lose a lot of energy. Our mind keeps us occupied and in the negative thoughts that tie us in a destructive loop. Instead of finding solutions or positive outcomes, we are trapped in a loop of thoughts that lead nowhere. The time we use wondering about our possible future we cannot then use to find and identify new opportunities that may bypass us in the meanwhile. Often, the very answers we look for are offered to us but we simply cannot see them—we are fixed in our thinking patterns and projected outcomes. In other words, we are too busy worrying and life, and many good moments and opportunities as well, passes us by.

Those people with great wisdom have always said that we should stop worrying. We are afraid of the outcomes. Therefore, we constantly try to avoid any imaginable disturbance or negative incident. We even die one day—no matter how much we worry or think about it. Worrying does not help us to live. Actually, it does not allow us to experience and enjoy life as it comes. Worrying is time wasted without any positive outcomes expected—one of the great lessons to learn in life.

so stop worrying and start thinking friends.

ur jo.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Goals,Be Open To The Possibilities!!!

As you are aware, there are two sides to everything; good and bad, positive and negative, yin and yang, action and inaction, force and allow, rigid and flexible.

In all of life there is a balance between the two polarities, sides or aspects that must be mediated in your pursuit of happiness and a truly harmonious in life. In your goal setting activities this balance must be considered or you may find yourself severely restricting what is possible for you.

Remember that as you are envisioning and deciding on a goal, that visualization is based on your present awareness and knowledge. What about all the possibilities that you are not yet aware of, do you want to limit yourself from something better than what you can see right now?

No matter how you believe about how the overall power behind the universe participates in your life, I think you will admit that frequently things do seem to happen and opportunities arise that your were not originally aware of when you start taking action.

You need to have an open mind about these possibilities to readily recognize them when they arise.

keep smiling..

The Benefits of Meditation

Hi frnds.......

The Benefits of MeditationFocusing on expanding your consciousness through the process of meditation, and specifically focusing on each part of your body through guided meditation, helps to improve the circulatory system, effectively lowers blood pressure, decreases the heart rate and gives you a calmer outlook on life. You become more patient, while supercharging the immune system.

You have mind-control over your body, especially where pain is concerned. You become more aware of your own healing nature. When you focus on your emotional self, you have a deeper meaning in your relationships with others and an “inner peace” that is beyond human description.Meditation increases your psychic awareness. Creativity, perceptual ability, and clarity are increased tremendously.

You feel closer to God in meditation. Once you get this connection, it is an amazing experience. A feeling of total joy and elation happens.Meditation MiraclesNow we know that consciousness is energy and that it is more powerful than electricity or atomic energy. It is the energy that creates life, goes beyond physical death and contacts those who have “crossed over.”

This is the consciousness that can affect another person’s consciousness beyond the physical earth-bound limits of time and space. You are a unit of God consciousness and therefore possess God consciousness.

Mystics, psychics, occultists, spiritual advisors, and ancient seers from the past have always astounded us with their ability, and so can you. You can make miracles happen in your life on purpose. You were born to enlighten others and improve the quality of life on earth, for others as well as yourself.

keep meditating..

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Love.........hmmmmmmm...check it out!!!!

Love is but a four letter word, one may wonder how such a small word can evoke such powerful emotions?

As we already know "thoughts are living things" when you ponder, you lay claim to those thoughts and you set the wheels in motion, moving ever so closely to obtaining your desire and goals, but, and there is always a but! When you deviate from your plan, when you shift your focus from the positive aspects of love, to the negative, the negative is often what is reaped and those fluffy feelings of love often go unfulfilled.

In order to manifest love you first have to have an understanding as to what love means to you, you need to be able to define and to identify that energy and then and only then will you be able to tap into its never ending pool of bliss and draw that energy inwardly into your life, in order to love someone else, you must first learn to love yourself, if you cannot love yourself, you cannot expect someone else to love you! Misery in love is to admit self defeat, love yourself into victory!

Love opens all possibilities. I am convinced that if we all really loved ourselves and took the responsibility of taking care of ourselves, then all of our relationships would benefit – whether it is with our mother, father, or friends. Self-love is the path to bliss and healthy relationships. So, take time this month to be a great lover to yourself. I am sure you will not be disappointed.

Love yourself and everything will be fine.‘Loving yourself’ is about treating yourself as you would treat someone who is really, really precious to you. Hope u agree with me:)


Saturday, February 04, 2006

connecting with ur strengths...

We can be just as afraid of our strengths as we are of our weaknesses, and just as afraid to succeed as we are to fail. In her book, A Return to Love, in a passage that was made famous by Nelson Mandela in his 1994 Inauguration Speech, Marianne Williamson writes:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure about you. We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Connecting with your strengths is about learning how to acknowledge your own gifts, accept compliments graciously and to present yourself confidently as the extraordinarily unique artist that you are.

all da best!!!

Monday, January 16, 2006

New Beginnings..........................

Along with the joy and excitement of the New Year’s season, a feeling of sadness often exists side by side. This feeling sometimes grows stronger after the New Year itself has passed. During this period we consciously or unconsciously review the year that has gone by, how it’s met our expectations and the ways in which we have developed or grown. We also become aware of our disappointments, both in others and in ourselves. The New Year itself can seem daunting to some, challenging to others, filled with excitement or with fear.

However, it is important to realize that a new year is new. Just as each breath we take is a fresh one, unless we carry the past with us as heavy baggage, unless we cling to old memories and mistakes, we can begin to live this year in a way that is truly refreshing and healing as well. Each day, each moment offers us this opportunity, if we know how to enter it truly.

Whatever has happened, or hasn’t happened, however the new year appears to you, we all can take in starting a truly new chapter, making a beginning that is fresh and new.

First is to realize that in order for our year to be new, we have to be new. No matter how much we may want to hold onto the old, life itself is a series of changes.

When we resist change, we resist life itself. Though difficult at times, change brings new growth, values, goals and understanding. As we say good-bye to plans, hopes, and old ways of being, we can open the door to new experience and fulfillment.

Along with the joy of new growth, growing pains can be common. Don’t be afraid of a little sadness or fear. It is natural, to be expected. Welcome it with open arms in the realization that new life is on the way. Allow yourself to feel what you feel. Then let the feeling go and move straight, directly into the present moment. The present moment is always filled with wonder, freshness and endless possibilities.

Then, Go over your past year with fresh eyes. Instead of finding everything wrong that has happened, find everything right that went on. think of the good things that happened to you. remember the ways in which people in your life pleased you, and the ways in which you pleased them as well. think of the things you admire and respect about who you are. (The more you admire and respect yourself, the easier it is to embark and succeed at new goals and dreams). Most of the time we focus upon the negative and in this manner throw ourselves into depression. Change this habit now. By focussing on what went right each day, the year will be truly new.

Most importantly, Give thanks. Each day find things and people to give thanks and offer them thanks for who they are or what they’ve done. It is also a wonderful way of realizing the enormous support available to you for realizing new dreams and accomplishing goals.

The New Year has endless possibilities. You may make resolutions and create many new goals and dreams. However, without a strong, consistent positive focus, in subtle ways we undermine ourselves. Build this new perspective. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself and others all year long.

Have a gud Day!!!!
ur Jyotsna.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Attitude counts...............

Friends……You take good care of your body, such as eating right ,etc. But did you know it’s every bit as vital to take good care of your mind as well?

Attitude counts. What happens to us in life matters far less than our attitude about those happenings.

Every dark cloud has a silver lining –This is 100% True my dear friends.

Many times in life, things that initially appear to be bad actually turn out to be good. For example:

• Failing to achieve a major goal may lead us into a fulfilling new direction.

When things are going badly, it may seem impossible to believe that anything good can come from it.

Staying positive during tough times will help you see that all events work for your highest good.

So how do you put this silver lining concept into practice? When disappointing or painful events happen just

Stay positive. Remind yourself to keep a positive attitude. Expect that things will work out to your advantage. Cultivate the attitude that whatever happens will be for your benefit.

Let go. Don’t hold on to the negative situation. Be willing to move forward and allow the positive outcome to manifest.

Be observant. Watch what happens and notice if something good comes out of the negative event.

Be patient. The positive outcome is not always obvious or immediate.

Make it a habit to practice looking for the good in seemingly bad events. You’ll be amazed how often something you thought was bad actually turns out to be good.

Just keep reminding yourself that you don’t know how a certain situation will turn out in the end. It may turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you!

Friends the Key points to remember from the entire article :

• Something good always comes from every bad situation

• Stay positive in every circumstance and watch your life change for the better.

so stay positive,time will definately give u answers and hoping all ur lifes will be filled with happiest moments..............
