Monday, June 30, 2008

Pankhudi and AFF

After writing my experiences with Pankhudi i was thinking of how different it is from the previous NGO'S i worked with like AFF and make a wish( hyderabad).

My involment with these Ngo's happened without even knowing of what they mean.Only thing on my mind is that to help and give back something to the society.

I am with AFF when i am just into my engineering, then worked parallely for both Pankhudi and AFF.

AFF(All Friends Foundation) as the name states, started by a group of friends with similar ideas.

I worked closely with the blind and mentally retarted children as an AFF volunteer mostly than any other activities.

Its not that easy for me initially to communicate ,i use to get depressed as i am an emotional person by nature.But now when i look back as how i started i feel surprised that the relation and bonding between us became stronger.

Being loved by these children is the biggest thing i took back .These kids truly loved me irrespective of my odds and my experiences while working with these kids are unforgettable.

I truly learnt a lot of things and took away experiences while working with AFF and it gave me a chance to understand what it takes to work with the NGO's at a very early stage.

AFF is a base where Pankhudi gave me a platform to work with a variety of roles and tasks and it gave me an oppurtunity to work with the children of different backgrounds.Children who study in schools started by social activists or the slum children.There is a lot of exposure and a chance for me to work and communicate globally.

As a Pankhudi Volunteer i work with different chapters across the world and it gives me immense satisfation working with such a dedicated Team which struggeles for making a better tomorrow for the kids.

One experience i wanted to share is,we had a meeting with the founders of Krushi Homes for working with them as partners for some activity.We the core members represented Pankhudi from our side.And there are about thirtten to fifteen members from their side who are all retired and started Krushi Homes after their retirement.They are shocked more than surprised to see us ,who all are just engineering passed outs and some are just into their jobs.That made us feel proud for their positive compliments and comments.

Currently i am with Pankhudi and at the end of it i am very satisfied to be a Pankhudi Volunteer.

I am thankful to everyone in my way till date as they touched or influenced me at some point in my life.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Proud to be a ~Pankhudian !!

Actions speak louder than words ,this is what i always want to follow...and today i stand proud before everyone for being a part of Pankhudi and to know more about me as a pankhudian read our newsletter here:

Today i am more than happy for
what ever I am today since i am what i thought to be and I started living as what I decided upon.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Proud to have a friend like "u"

Friends, any point in time that the Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be....

I thought its worth sharing an interview of my friend here:

I got to know him when he worked for Sun Microsystems as a technical writer,both of us are an active participants in Enthu a team which creates and spreads enthusiasm at our workplace.

Thanks Ravi for being such a wonderful friend.You indirectly helped me in realizing the other way to look at things.

Here u go to read through his interview:
