Sunday, November 20, 2005

Negative vs positive.............. The ever-existing battle in your mind!!!

WE ARE ALL THINKING ALL OF THE TIME. Can you believe that our thoughts never
leave us. Wow! Silly thoughts, hungry thoughts, angry thoughts, happy thoughts; that’s a
bunch of emotions that has a significant impact on our lives. Physically, emotionally, it’s all there.

Every thought is connected to our body to create a response. Example: imagine a hot summer day. There is absolutely no breeze. You are sitting on a rock in the middle of your yard. Smell the earth, the heat. The sun is hot on your body. In your hand, you have an ice cold drink. You are thirsty. Put the glass to your lips. Drink. AHHHHHH. Wasn’t that nice?

Were you there with me?

Thoughts influence our emotions. Try this . Think of something that makes you happy.
Anything. Now think of something that you hate doing and that makes you feel miserable.
Okay. Back to something that makes you smile. See. Thoughts rule our emotions instantly.

Change your thoughts to happy thoughts and your emotions will change.

Well then, where do negative thoughts come into play? If you start telling yourself several
times a day that you are an idiot, incompetent person what do you think you will act like?

YOU WILL ACT AND FEEL LIKE an idiotic, incompetent person. It’s powerful stuff.

Positive thinking produce positive results likewise negative thoughts will have a negative impact on your life.

WHICH one do you choose?

letz see wht the writers say...............

A mind stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimensions.
– Oliver Wendell Holmes

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
– Lyndon B. Johnson

Do you need a little motivation? Inspiration? A motivational quote will not only boost your energy, help you stay focus on your goals but could also have the power to rewrite negative thoughts.

so stay positive...............................jyotsna!


bala said...

woww jo , that was nice....... u r amazing

Anonymous said...

really influential yaar...and very nice ...gr8