Thursday, September 01, 2005

Friends r a gift to all……………

Friends I think the topic which we never get bored is friends and frindship,and they r the priceless gifts of god to everyone of us.Todays post has some poems on friendship and friends ………….

FRIENDS Always Remember that……

When you need a shoulder to cry on,
Remember that I have a warm embrace,
Ready to offer comfort.

When you think I'm being too tough,
Remember that which does not kill you
Makes you stronger.

When you need a friend to listen,
Remember that I am here for you,

When you doubt me,
Remember that I once knelt at your feet,
Washing them in service to you.

When you lose faith in yourself,
Remember that I never did,
Nor ever will.


Friend: that one special person
who makes life a bit
easier by just being
there and listening to your
problems and difficulties.

Friendship: a special bond
between two people.
A bond that time
cannot break. It is strong
like a chain, with linking

Friends r a gift to all……………

There are days when
bubbling from us comes
the innocent child within,
who giggles at the little things
and wears a silly grin.

There are days when
melancholy comes to
visit for a while;
the mind feels tired, the body weak;
we have no strength to smile.

There are days when
joy abundant
grabs a hold of you and me;
wraps us up in all it's splendor,
lifts us up and sets us free.

There are days when
sorrow wraps us
in its cloak of grief and fear,
'till our hearts ache to the breaking,
'till our eyes can't shed a tear.

There are days when
love bestows us
with its wonderment and light;
with its beauty and its mystery,
its power and its might.

And there are days when
life rewards us
and seems to make amends
by granting us a marvelous gift,
the precious gift of Friends.

UR A Gift To ME…I wanted u to know thoughts that r in my mind………

I have sat here and pondered the many horizons
of the emotions that drift through my heart
and I recollect the tears, the laughter,
the heartache and the glory.
And I wonder how it was,
that I made the journey into today.

Then you stray into my thoughts,
and I recall how many times you have held my hand
and guided me through the darkness
and showed me the light.
Then I think of the laughter you gave to me,
the smiles you brought to my eyes,
and the warmth you poured into my heart.

For those many gifts you have offered me,
I feel compelled to give something in return.
But what gift is worthy of such a friend as you?
Only the finest delights are suitable
for such a friend as you.
But I am not wealthy in a monetary fashion,
and haven’t the means to give such a wondrous gift.

So I sit asking myself what I have to offer,
and just what gift is worthy.
So I give to you something special to me.
Not a material object to be looked at or used,
but rather a place where one can rest easy
and drift into serenity.

Close your eyes if you will and take your thoughts to a place
where light dances across clear blue lakes
and enchanting evergreens offer shelter
and blue skies bring the warmth of the sun.
Where a song is whispered to you from the doves high above,
and the scents of the flowers ease your mind.
Here in this special place
you have wings to fly
and float on warm gentle breezes.
And you can see a vast array of colors burning
into the distance.
Here you are at one with the angels,
and you can be at peace in your heart.

For if you can see my special place,
it is yours to call home and you can always close your eyes
and return again.
So please take my humble offering,
and go there often, knowing that in my heart
I am with you in a place in my mind.
This is my gift for you,
as you are
my special friend.

Friends ………we all go through when we feel alone in the world and no one seems to understand our pain. No one that is, until you realize that there is a special person in the world called your friend and they can make it all better. This is the greatest gift.

My Friends………

We all need someone
To talk to in our life,
A friend to whom we run
In times of stress or strife

A friend who's always there
Throughout the years,
A friend we know will care
And take away our fears.

A friend who's always near,
Waiting for our call,
To wipe away our tears,
And lift us when we fall.

A loving friend indeed,
On whom we can depend
To fulfill our every need -
Thank you, precious friend.


1 comment:

bala said...

U R a Gift to me is really wonderful .I liked it a lot